Software Lifecycle Testing

In modern software development environments, Test Automation is a way to make sure that a software is free of glitches and that the features we care about perform as expected. Our main goal is to catch bugs and make sure that bugs already found and fixed remain so, and also that no regressions are created. Our company allows you to understand that TESTING can be a very important part of your development activity, especially when it comes to particularly critical features of your software.


Business Benefits with Test Automation

  • SAVE TIME: Test automation reduces the overall test execution time.

  • IMPROVE TEST COVERAGE: Helps to create a continuous integration environment in which, after each code entry, the automatic execution of the test suite with the new build.

  • INCREASE AD-HOC AND EXPLORATORY TESTING: Helps to work with a large set of inputs which is not feasible with manual tests .

  • REDUCE COST AND MAINTENACE: reduces the cost and resource requirements of the project.

Why Test Automation is Important to You

  • The constant and growing industriousness of enterprise applications, and the related management costs, implies the need to improve the efficiency of these activities, in order to provide users with the required functionality and reduce the corresponding costs. Our aim is to verify the quality of software artifacts, so that it remains in line with the level necessary to ensure the achievement of business objectives.
  • Testing is one of the most important and concrete ways of attacking the software quality problem, with the aim of analyzing and evaluating the correctness of an implementation with reference to the characteristics defined in the requirements, specifications and project. Testing is the process of running a program with the aim of finding errors.
    "Test that reveals no errors is a failed test"
  • The approach to which Siinfo is inspired, therefore to the analysis and execution of the various components of a software project with the aim of highlighting quality defects. Therefore we propose ourselves as collaborators of companies that pay attention to the quality of their software systems and development and maintenance processes.
  • Our use of software tools linked to our skills in the field of automation of testing processes, allows us to create automated software solutions for the achievement of quality, in all areas of development and maintenance and for a set of languages ​​and technologies capable of address all problems present in enterprise systems.


    Get In Touch


    Contact Info

    Address info

    Viale Marco Polo 117/A
    00154 Rome (RM) – ITALY

    Working Hours

    Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00